
Blackburn Rovers Community Trust helping dads open up about grief

Everybody experiences grief, and while it might affect people in different ways, many can find it helps to share experiences with others.

That’s exactly what Alex, who has been attending a new bereavement programme launched by Blackburn Rovers Community Trust, thinks.

Blackburn Rovers Dads FC promote football sessions that provide a supportive and stable environment for bereaved dads to socialise, engage in physical activity, and celebrate their children.

“It is important for us to all talk and there has not really been a group for men [until now],” Alex explained. “Typically, men don’t talk or speak up. No one really expects this is going to happen to them, it is a situation we don’t want to be in.”

The sessions take place every Friday night in the Blackburn Rovers Indoor Centre from 8 – 9 pm and recognise the emotional challenges faced by fathers who have experienced the loss of a child.

“Getting together as a group to share our similar experiences and troubles really helps with our headspace on our journey,” Alex continued.

“It can help you through the next week. We are all at different stages. I experienced loss earlier this year but from some, it has been ten or more years, and they have only just spoken to people about it.”

This week marks National Grief Awareness week with the chosen theme ‘Shine a Light’ highlighting people, places and projects across the UK like this.

Participants get to take part in sessions run by qualified coaches and representatives from Maggie’s Still Birth Legacy and Friends of Serenity – who helped set up the programme – are also in attendance to offer their guidance and support.

Joanne, from Friends of Serenity, said: “There is a lot of support available for women and children there is a very limited options available for dads.

“We have been talking for quite a while about the idea of a dad’s football team. It is really good for wellbeing and it is a way of talking without pressure whilst having fun.”

Fahima Iqbal, Head of Health and Wellbeing at Blackburn Rovers Community Trust, added: “Working together and using the power of football, we believe we can make a positive difference on many people’s lives and we want them to know, we are here to help!”

All ages and abilities are welcome and the session is free of charge.

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