We work with people, young and old, to develop both academic qualifications and skills for life. Our network provides various ways of breaking down the barriers and enabling people to find employment.
Our EFL Football Club charities provide positive, inspiring learning environments that are used to engage the local community to develop skills for life, raise awareness of important issues and open up opportunities for employment.
We have a particular strength with regards to working with disadvantaged and disengaged young people and supporting them to achieve positive outcomes. Our network runs a variety of academic qualifications and short programmes that equip young people and those over the age of 25 with the skills they need to successfully find employment.
Our network works with thousands of primary schools across the country. Our coaches are qualified to deliver the national curriculum and help develop PE provision in schools. However we utilise the power of football and sport to help people learn in innovative ways, teaching a diverse range subjects using the power of sport and the reach of Football Clubs to engage people in subjects that go way beyond sport.
Traineeships help young people (aged 16-24) struggling to find work and get the first step into employment, Match Fit offers support for people that are struggling to find work and Changing Room is a 12 week course specifically for people who face significant barriers to finding employment.
Drawing on the power of football and the power of the Club badge, EFL in the Community and the network of EFL Football Club charities reach out to a broad spectrum of the community, including disadvantaged and disengaged individuals and those with physical and mental challenges, supporting them to achieve positive outcomes.
Training Ground Employability Programmes
EFL in the Community offers a number of programmes to those, regardless of age, seeking employment or further training as part of our ‘Training Ground’ programmes: which includes Match Fit, Changing Room and In Training. All of these programmes offer small groups the chance to develop employability skills, and to improve their functional skills in Maths and English.
Participants on most programmes also access substantial work experience in a range of employment contexts, both within the football Club and with other local businesses.
Traineeships are run at many Clubs across the country and offer 16-24 years old that are not in education or employment the opportunity to get on the first step of the employment ladder. The trainee will learn new skills and enhance their ability to find employment. The traineeship will give young adults the chance to gain high quality work experience in different working environments, while also improving their core skills such as English and Maths skills.
Higher Education
EFL in the Community, in partnership with the University of South Wales, offers a route into a career in community coaching and management with two higher education Foundation Degree courses in Community Football Coaching and Development, and in Sports Coaching and Development.
After completion of either Foundation Degree, students can then top up to a full BSC Honours Degree when they complete our BSc (Hons) Football Coaching, Development and Administration (Top Up).
These unique blended learning programmes offer students the chance to study at one of our Football Club charities to EFL Clubs, gaining valuable experience within a professional environment while they study for their degree. In the current academic year, 2019/20, more than 400 students are on programme.